Sunday, 27 February 2022

I Am in Training

 Yesterday brought another black belt fitness test. This test continues to remind me of always being in training. This test is one day of bringing our training together in several smaller fitness ‘tests’. 

If you train specifically for this test, are you really training? Or are you trying to jump through a hoop? It is said time and time again to just train, do your forms, work on your techniques, and the rest will come. This is the mindset I am doing my best to follow this year. I am not training specifically for this test, but rather training in my Kung Fu. Yes, I am trying to build my cardio, speed, and technique, but instead of training to do this for this one day test I have adjusted my mindset to build this training for life, not one day of testing. I have a long way to go - injury, age, and a demanding career all affect my training. I work on incorporating everything together to be successful. There will always be something that may set you back, and it is important to be able to adjust, shift and still keep on a positive progressional path.

I Am in Training to be my best me. Always a work in progress. 

Saturday, 19 February 2022

I AM Courteous

 This last week of RAK has really brought a lot to the forefront for me. I like to think of myself as a kind person naturally, and I hope that comes across in my personality. We all have our not so good days, but I also do my best to not bring what I am going through to those around me. 

One of the traits I am working on is to be mindful of opportunities to be kind and courteous when it is not so obvious - like opening a door or waiting my turn. 

Life is busy, and I can certainly be rushed at times. That tends to cause me to not worry about those around me, and think of myself first. Not only is this mediocrity, but is it not very courteous to others. Being courteous encompasses politeness, manners, and respect, among other great qualities. All qualities of kindness. Reflecting on my day helps as well, as it presents opportunities that I may have missed, or could have done differently. 

Something as simple as a smile is a courteous to another, and something I know we can all definitely do. It just may make a difference to that persons day. 

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Past Time to Pay Attention

 It is past time to pay attention to what my body is telling me. For so long those little aches and pains worked themselves out and went away on their own. That doesn’t seem to happen any longer. 

KT tape, Voltaren cream, and various tensors have become my new best friends. It makes me sad in a way to be writing this post, as it is so early in our year of the Tiger. But the injuries are not new, and I have been ignoring them for too long. Yes, they used to resolve themselves with no outside help, but I also never used to be a martial artist. And I was much younger! 

We push ourselves, and go beyond our limits to make us better. I need to get better at knowing how far is too far. And better at taking care of me at first sign something is off. We need to push limits, or how do we improve? Work smarter. Pay attention. Slow down when needed. These are a few of the things going through my mind lately. 

So here I am, modifying where needed, and trying to slow it down a bit to heal. But I don’t quit. That is important. Yes, some things may look a little different for a little while, but I still work toward progression, and improvement. I’m not going to get younger (unless I’m Mr. Kohut, or Sifu S Csillag lol), so I better figure it out so that my body will continue with where my mind wants to be. 

Sunday, 6 February 2022

I AM a Leader

am a leader to my family, my teammates, my work mates, and my community. But most importantly to myself.

I must hold myself accountable, and expect others to do the same. 

I must be honest and empathetic. Live my best life. Live a life of Mastery. Recognize when mediocrity is setting in, and rectify. I must lead by example.

I must learn from those around me, with an open mind, and open eyes. 

I must choose to be the change, and be true to my choices.

I am a leader, and willing and eager to learn. 


One of my favorite reasons for being a part of the I Ho Chuan team is the support and encouragement of the team. 

Help to celebrate the wins.

We are all on the same path to live our lives with mastery, but we are all in different journeys in our lives.

As each day starts anew, it will bring new opportunities, but we must not forget the knowledge gained from days past, and continue to build on that as well.

As we embark on a new lunar new year, the energy and engagement is high. 

We must remember to keep that throughout the year. Find a way to sustain that same excitement throughout. 

Don’t be afraid to reach out, there is no judgment, we will all go through difficult times in our journey. 

There will only be loss if a way back to this path is not found.

Happy New Year, year of the Water Tiger. 

I am excited to be on this journey with all of you, and look forward to what the year will bring!


 This past week I focused on maintaining. This time of year is busy for most everyone. It’s also the time of year that people are running ou...