Yesterday brought another black belt fitness test. This test continues to remind me of always being in training. This test is one day of bringing our training together in several smaller fitness ‘tests’.
If you train specifically for this test, are you really training? Or are you trying to jump through a hoop? It is said time and time again to just train, do your forms, work on your techniques, and the rest will come. This is the mindset I am doing my best to follow this year. I am not training specifically for this test, but rather training in my Kung Fu. Yes, I am trying to build my cardio, speed, and technique, but instead of training to do this for this one day test I have adjusted my mindset to build this training for life, not one day of testing. I have a long way to go - injury, age, and a demanding career all affect my training. I work on incorporating everything together to be successful. There will always be something that may set you back, and it is important to be able to adjust, shift and still keep on a positive progressional path.
I Am in Training to be my best me. Always a work in progress.