Back on the mats 3 days, and presenting my beta forms. Diamond in the rough is the understatement of the year. After pretty much 2 months of mental forms, I am trying to find my legs again - literally lol.
I chose familiar school forms as I feel I need to relearn, refocus, and retrain my body. So for 3 days back I am fairly happy, but wish I could be rid of the nerves after all these years!
Push ups- 3810
Sit ups - 3750
Form reps - Hand 33, weapon 13
AOK’s - 275
Sparring (modified) - 48
KM’s - 163
Blogs - 7
Your forms are looking wonderful so far! and nerves are a good thing! at least for me! mostly because I know that I have nerves and can still do it, I will have the courage and the confidence to amazing later! You got this! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ