Sunday, 20 June 2021

Weekend for a Recharge

 This weekend was spent in Banff, as an anniversary getaway. It had been postponed originally, but was decided to just do it this weekend, instead of postponing again. 

It was a great weekend! It was meant to relax, recharge, and ground myself again. All of that and so much more became of the weekend. 

We decided to get a bit of a cool background for our push up and sit up videos for the IHC demo. So we found a nice little space with a beautiful mountain backdrop. In doing that we actually ended up doing a bit of a demo ourselves, with a bunch of onlookers enjoying their breakfast. We also decided to take it a bit further and do our forms as well. I hope they enjoyed the show lol. 

Some great discoveries were made by doing this though. I’ve never been one to ‘enjoy’ performing in front of crowd. The usual nervousness is there, and the fear of making an idiot of myself. When we do our demos with IHC, we are with our team, which seems to make it a bit easier for me. But this time, Don and I just found a great spot, and I didn’t really let the thought of people watching us bother me. I just did my thing. Once I started my form, it was me and my form. I was focused on where I was and what I was doing in that moment. It was peaceful, and purposeful. 

I also finally learned how to blog on my phone! This will be a useful tool for me (and I took way too long to learn, I know!) as now it does not matter where I am, No excuse to not blog!! 

Return to class has been fabulous! Back in the kwoon, with everyone in person is fantastic. I am very thankful for all that online kung fu has taught me, and the discoveries it has helped me to reveal as well though. I believe we are a very special group to have gotten this very unique training experience. But I also do hope we stay back in the kwoon for good now! 

My favorite Thing in Kung Fu

 This is tough, as I enjoy all parts of Kung Fu, mental and physical. So to pick one, I will say forms. Hard to pick one form, but probably 18 Temple Motions I guess. Forms provide our foundation, and building blocks for our martial art, which is why I enjoy them so much. 

Physical Challenge

 The first thing that comes to mind is my wrists. With carpal tunnel in both wrists, it can limit certain things. The worst is push ups, that position is very painful, so I do mostly wall push ups. I also have a bad ankle, but Tai Chi is helping with that a lot! 

Favorite Time of Day

 I think my favorite time of day is first thing in the morning. The day is new and fresh. I’ve hopefully had a good sleep, and endless possibilities are in front of me. This has changed as I’ve gotten older, as nights used to be my favorite. 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Dogs vs Cats

 This is a no brainer, and really quick answer for me,,,definitely dogs! I've have had a dog since I was a baby (different dogs of course), but I cannot remember too much of my life without one. I have never been very fond of cats. Although a pet tiger might be kind of cool! One that wouldn't eat me of course lol. 

I must be getting used to this 2 minute challenge, I don't think that even took 2 minutes...hmmm how easy this is....

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Being Back at the Kwoon

 Wow, back at the Kwoon! So many things to say, and emotions I'm feeling! 

Gratitude, energy, focus, power. Home. I feel all this and more as soon as I walk through those doors, and onto the mats. Being online at home is just different. The personal contact (but not actual contact) is so powerful as well. It boots the mood, the energy, the mental well being. It is so Fantastic to be Back! And I really really hope it for the long haul this time!

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Favorite Spot

 I don't think I have a favorite spot in my house. Off the top of my head, I guess it would be sitting down to relax and decompress before bed watching a show. I do however have a vision of what my favorite spot would be though. I have always wanted a hanging swinging chair (not sure what they are actually called lol) in my backyard. I can see myself out there enjoying a coffee and a book. Maybe I could put that on my bucket list lol.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Bucket List

 I've never had a 'bucket list' per say. I've had ideas of things I would like to do, but never a list to check off. For me, it is more of life at the moment, or where I am at in life. Most of my wants are to have family time and to travel. There are many places I would like to see in my lifetime, and there has been a few that I have checked off. One day maybe I will sit and write a list,, and actively go after it!

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Hitting a Wall

 It's been a couple of weeks. Not intentional, and really not even realizing. Time. It always seems to be working against me. 

I hit a wall this past week. I'm exhausted, and my body finally said enough. I had flu like symptoms, sick to my stomach, dizziness, and nausea. Put me down good, for a couple of days. I even slept for pretty much 17 hours, with only a couple hours of being awake in between. This should tell me something, right? I can't do it all. Yes, I've been warned, I've been told, I've even told myself. But yet, here I was. I did get a Covid test to be safe, as when the vomiting started, it did check off a box. It did come back negative. 

For weeks now, I have been running on sheer auto pilot. Kung Fu training, 10 hour work days, 2-3 hour hospital visits. Small snack before bed, and then repeat. I need to re-evaluate, and not think I can do it all, without consequence. This is loud and clear. 

We talked about arbitrary deadlines in our Brown Belt meeting. These deadlines we set for ourselves, like they weren't there before. This being the year I hope to test for my Black Belt, yes, that deadline is there. Or is it? It could be in 5 months, or it could be in 17 months, or even in 29 months. My journey to Mastery will not stop at this 'deadline', but rather flourish; and I need to grow and learn along the way. Always an opportunity in every situation. Especially in ones like these.

Being a Black Belt is how we navigate, and grow in Mastery. Part of that, I think, is how we handle life, and ourselves. More so when situations are thrown at us that are out of our control. Which also means, we don't have to do it all ourselves. But sometimes, there is nobody else to do it for us. So how do we navigate that? Smarter than what I have doing, it seems. The important thing is to recognize, analyze, and reconfigure to make it work. And be healthy in doing it. 

Update on my mom - she is doing very well (as the doctor put it, but I think we have different ideas of that), so she is being moved to a long term care facility most likely next week. This means more travel time, and me having to reevaluate. She is basically in a semi induced coma, as she doesn't really wake up anymore, or open her eyes. But, she is still eating some pudding and ice cream at meal times, and very small amounts of fluid. I guess she isn't as ready as everyone thought. So I sit with her, and talk to her, and hope she knows I am there. 

I'm very excited about being back in the Kwoon again tomorrow, and able to see everyone in person! My true hope is that this will be permanent, and this time next year, this will all have seemed so far in the past.


 This past week I focused on maintaining. This time of year is busy for most everyone. It’s also the time of year that people are running ou...